Monday, April 02, 2007

Reasons to vote for Ron Paul

From today's National Journal Hotline:

Ron Paul "blazed through" Scottsdale, AZ, for "one of his first stops" on the WH campaign trail. After attending a "higher cost" fundraiser on 3/30, Paul met supporters on 3/31 at an $8/person breakfast at Hometown Buffet. Paul discussed his "opposition to the war in Iraq," his backing of "gun rights" and how "big" gov't "should be eliminated" (Muench, Arizona Republic, 4/1).

Going Dr. "No"-To-Toe With Maher

Paul appeared on "Real Time" 3/30.

On being a libertarian: "I believe in limited government. I believe in individual liberty. There were some Republicans at one time that actually believed that."

Asked if the U.S. should eliminate the CIA: "I think we could do without the CIA murdering leaders in other countries. I think there's room for intelligence gathering, but I don't like the secret activity of the CIA where they go about getting rid of people ... and installing governments."

On global warming: "I think it's been around for a long time and it's probably going to be with us a while longer. ... Our foreign policy contributes to global warming by subsidizing a policy that is deeply flawed. That's why we're in the Middle East ... to protect oil interests."

Bill Maher: "Haven't we learned from Walter Reed and so many other scandals that actually private enterprise does worse? Corporations are actually worse than the government because they have absolutely no conscience?"

Paul: "What makes you think the Veterans Association is private? This is a demonstration of what government-run medicine would be like. ... We need to allow every veteran to have decent health care, but we should permit them and pay for it to allow them to go to the doctor they want" (HBO, 3/30).

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