Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Romer tries to hijack Gardner, Kester Bill

Senator Chris Romer (D - Denver), son of former Governor Roy Romer and all-round gas bag, is trying to hijack a bill sponsored by Representative Cory Gardner (R- Yuma) and Senator Ken Kester (R - Las Animas) that would create energy transmission lines to rural Southeastern Colorado.

Romer is trying to hijack the bill by greatly expanding the size and scope of the program and add additional government mandates to Gardner and Kester's bill.

Money quote:
"What I want to do is get my bill passed," Kester said emphatically. "And then if there is other legislation that's needed, I'll be happy to carry it, support it, do whatever's necessary. But today I want my bill to pass so we can help the rural counties in Southeast Colorado. I want my bill to move forward, and I also want it to happen in the next 30 days."
More from the Pueblo Chieftain here.

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