Monday, November 05, 2007

Greeley Mayor attacked

The Alliance for a Better Greeley has been flogging RINO Mayor Tom Selders for his tacit support of the drug and gang problems that result from illegal immigration. has the story:

Alliance for a Better Greeley spokesman John Hagen earlier today expressed outrage regarding Greeley’s gang-related percentage of homicides and methamphetamine distribution, declaring that the city’s policies - and its current mayor – “have put out the welcome mat” regarding gangs and crime, which hurts economic prosperity.
“Tom Selders went to D.C. and put Greeley on the map in front of the nation as a city that’s lax on law and order. Greeley’s citizens must now spring into action to save the city from continued crime, deteriorating quality of life, and economic decline,” said Hagen. “Gangs victimize cities perceived as weak on crime and law enforcement.”
“The housing revenue boom is over, and criminal gangs are consolidating in cities like Greeley. It’s vital every opponent of gangs & crime turn up the heat on elected officials in Greeley.”
The group stands behind the charges it made in a previous mailing, and on Saturday, a large wave of the same postcards were received by residents across Greeley.

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