Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Musgrave Continues to roll to Victory

It sure looks like the Musgrave campaign is getting under the skin of Angry Angie the New York Liberal and her crazy supporters.

One of Angry Angie's most vocal of loony lefties, the Muskrat Hunter, seems upset that Musgrave staff were video taping Angry Angie.

Remember when I tried to get some video of the Muskrat at her Longmont Town Hall? Well, Angie Paccione just had a Town Hall in Longmont at Sandstone Ranch Community Park and, lo and behold, the Mighty Muskrat Multimedia Mooks appeared.

Ya know, these two are both military-service age - and no doubt support the war but just don't seem to have the intestinal fortitude to sign up and serve. Easier to stay home and play cameraman...

Shows the difference between Dems and Muskrat Kampers - Dems invite scrutiny and embrace transparency. Muskrat Kampers cover up, hide, lie and dodge military service.

This guy is completely unhinged...

Great Americans
These two guys look like great Americans, to me. Afterall, they do work for Marilyn Musgrave, a conservative hero.

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