Thursday, May 31, 2007
The insanity that is now the 4th Congressional District Democrat primary has now reached new heights with the addition of Betsy Markey to the already crowded field of liberals wanting to take on Musgrave in the general.
As of now we have Eric “Every Way” Eidsness, nickname coming from Dem bloggers, whose claim to fame is that he once worked for Ronald Reagan. Yes, in Eric’s mind that will win the hearts and minds in a Dem primary.
Move on to “Angry” Angie Paccione, nickname derived by hideous campaign ad, and any speech she has ever given, who came within 3 points last election of winning in the best year for Dems in over 30 years. “Angry” claims that “Every Way” stole votes from her. Angie forgot the fact that Eric stumped as a Republican and brang up Reagan every chance he got and took votes away from Musgrave, the DCCC poll supposedly showed that as well.
Meet “Boulder” Brandon Shaffer, nickname coming from the small part of the 4th CD that he actually represents. By far the most liberal out of the group, which is saying a lot with “Angry” Angie in the mix. Shaffer is supposedly the DCCC’s chosen one for the Dem nomination.
Salazar aide Betsy Markey, no nickname yet!, is the new kid on the block making a fashionably late entrance to the party. Salazar, er I mean Markey will benefit from having Salazar’s name ID as well as his voting record. According to the Coloradoan Markey has got the backing of prominent Dem representatives in Larimer County, which you know pisses off Paccione.
There was also talk in the Statesmen that another Fort Collins resident known as Dr. Bob, no nickname needed, is also planning on jumping into the race and will go independent if he does not win the nomination. We aren’t counting on him jumping in, but it would be fun to watch if he does.
So let the games begin. It should be an interesting 14 plus months leading up to the Dem nomination. Eric “Everyway” Eidsness is already talking trash about both Angie and Betsy, a pro Paccione website is calling Betsy Markey a “crazy lady”, “Boulder” Brandon is saying that Paccione only wants to run because of personal vendettas, and Paccione, Brandon and Markey all calling Eidsness an opportunist (which I actually agree with them on).
Put the popcorn in the microwave, pull up a seat and watch the fun unfold.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Clinton supports "shared prosperity"
From the AP:
MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) -- Presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined a broad economic vision Tuesday, saying it's time to replace an "on your own" society with one based on shared responsibility and prosperity.
he Democratic senator said what the Bush administration touts as an "ownership society" really is an "on your own" society that has widened the gap between rich and poor."I prefer a 'we're all in it together' society," she said. "I believe our government can once again work for all Americans. It can promote the great American tradition of opportunity for all and special privileges for none."
That means pairing growth with fairness, she said, to ensure that the middle-class succeeds in the global economy, not just corporate CEOs.
"There is no greater force for economic growth than free markets. But markets work best with rules that promote our values, protect our workers and give all people a chance to succeed," she said. "Fairness doesn't just happen. It requires the right government policies."
Friday, May 25, 2007
The Real Ronald Reagan
By Michael Reagan
Once again, the left-leaning mainstream media have egg all over their faces thanks to the voice of my Dad, Ronald Reagan, speaking from his eternal resting place.
Over the past week, since the Reagan Diaries were released, the media have focused on everything except what to me is the most the significant result of their publication: the self-portrayal that once again proves the lie in the false picture of him the media long sought to draw -- that of a less-than-intelligent former actor scarcely smart enough to remember his lines much less govern America.
The Media Research Council’s Brent Bozell once accurately described the media’s attitude during the Reagan administration as “fiercely hostile and often indistinguishable from the Democratic talking points of the day.”
Much of that hostility expressed itself by suggesting that my dad was the “amiable dunce” a biographer inexcusably called him to the delight of the liberal media elite, which could never accept the idea that a former Hollywood actor was in the end a lot smarter and had far more common sense than any of them up there in their ivory towers.
In his diaries, however, my Dad revealed himself to be the man I knew, and anything but an “amiable dunce.” Open the pages of his diaries, brilliantly edited by the slightly liberal Douglas Brinkley -- whose honesty and decency allowed him to see the real Ronald Reagan and not the parody created by the media -- and you encounter the extraordinary human being divine providence gave this nation at a time when such a man was needed at the helm.
The picture my Dad paints of himself as he muses upon the events of each of his days in the White House is that of a thoughtful man always willing to speak well of others (including his opponents), always reluctant to criticize his foes, and fiercely determined to crush the evil he recognized in the face of international Communism and to restore America to the greatness that had diminished since his youth.
The man we encounter, brilliant and keenly perceptive as he showed himself to be in the pages of his daily journal, was a simple uncomplicated human being armed with a rock-hard faith in God and an unshakeable belief in the inherent goodness of his fellow man. And he spent a lifetime seeking to find the light of that goodness in everyone he encountered, including the very man who ruled the empire he called evil.
The allegedly sophisticated media elite scoffed at the notion that this simple man, the product of a simpler time, could grasp the intricacies of modern government or understand the complexities involved in forging relationships with other nations. They were shocked, shocked, therefore, when he dared to call the Soviet Union the Evil Empire, mainly because in their secularized view there is no such thing as evil. In their jaundiced eyes, men don’t sin, they only make mistakes.
The media saw my dad as being airily disinterested in anything but the nostrums of Middle America – the “fly-over country” they despise. The diaries, however, reveal him as being fully engaged with the issues of his times, carefully mulling over the problems he faced and making his decisions as to how to handle them based on both his knowledge of the matters and his ability to put aside the current wisdom and cut right to the heart of any problem. Because my Dad was a simple uncomplicated man, the media decided that he was not only simple, but therefore was also simple minded.
Ronald Reagan kept his diary so people in the future would have an understanding of his presidency from his point of view and the vantage point of history, and not that of the liberal media’s dishonest and biased standpoint.
It has to be galling to them to see their carefully constructed illusions shattered by the publication of his diaries and what they reveal about a giant who in their malice they insisted on describing as a pygmy.
Once again, the Gipper’s spirit has triumphed.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The Ghost that is John Cox
We anticipated the 2008 GOP Presidential Primary being a little strange since it started so early with such a diverse group of candidates, but this is just sad. This from the Union Leader in New Hampshire, “Invisible candidate tries to raise his profile in NH.”
MANCHESTER – Republican presidential candidate John Cox has spent more than a year campaigning in the early selection states of New Hampshire, Iowa and South Carolina, declaring himself the true Washington outsider.
He has spent $800,000 of his own money hiring staff, organizing, printing campaign material renting office space, appearing on radio and paying for travel expenses because he wants to see change. But his message has largely been ignored by the national media.
The article goes on to say:
He admits his lack of national exposure has hurt his fund-raising, noting he made calls last week to potential donors. One person noted he was not in the debates. "They may like what I say, but if they don't think I have a chance, they're not stupid," Cox said.
What’s sad about this is the fact that the man sees the writing on the wall. (Well, at this point it’s pretty much up in the air like the Bat Signal.) He knows it’s not a matter of “if” but “when.” But he just keeps going.
On his website, they have a Call To Action attempting to get him in the New Hampshire debate. Unfortunately their talking points are terrible.
The sponsors need to shake things up and add a new face to the debate. We have ten candidates and two groups that are polar opposites. What the hell would he bring to the debate that we haven’t already heard?
By adding John Cox to the debate, viewers will get another reason to watch the debate and they'll see John Cox criticize the other candidates, there will be fireworks thus creating news stories. Yeah, that’s what America is waiting for! Cox’s opinion of the other candidates. Tancredo bashing the front runners and Gilmore saying “Rudy McRomney” seemed to go under the radar. Gee John, you’re right. The Fox debate was boring.
In South Carolina, John Cox beat all of the other Republican Presidential Candidates in the Aiken County Republican Party Straw Poll. Aiken County Straw Poll!!! Why didn’t you say so? Giuliani, Romney, and McCain can just close up shop now. Cox took a county straw poll! Their campaigns are done!
Cox, you are the most pathetic candidate in history. Not ten people outside of Illinois knows who you are. You might as well be a ghost running for president. Seriously, drop out. Nobody is listening and nobody cares.
By Hugo Gurdon
May 23, 2007
Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-Colo.) last week said that she “has succeeded in keeping veteran healthcare costs down by working with Democrats to stand up to President Bush.”
The May 18 release added that the third-term congresswoman bucked Bush by preventing his proposed increases for soldiers and veterans from becoming a reality.
There are plenty of GOP centrists who have been critical of Bush in recent months. But Musgrave is a social and fiscal conservative. And unlike other Republicans on the Hill, she defied Bush in his first term, when he enjoyed higher poll numbers.
Despite intense lobbying from the White House and then-House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), Musgrave voted no on the 2003 Medicare prescription drug bill.
She has been known to rub members of her own party the wrong way. A few months after arriving in Congress in 2003, Musgrave criticized then-House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Don Young’s (R-Alaska) penchant for earmarks in a letter to Hastert.
Musgrave’s district leans right; Bush won the district with 58 percent in 2004. Yet the congresswoman is a constant target for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC). Musgrave won only 46 percent of the vote last year, barely prevailing in the three-way race.
State Sen. Brandon Shaffer (D) is considering challenging her next year. And Democrat Angie Paccione, who collected 43 percent of the vote in her bid to oust Musgrave in 2006, may run again.
Musgrave is a talented campaigner, evidenced by the fact she survived the huge blue wave of 2006.
Cory Gardner, one of her campaign chairmen, told the Denver Post, “If they can’t beat Marilyn in the worst environment Republicans have seen in over 30 years, they sure aren’t going to do it this year.”
History is on the GOP’s side; the last time a Democrat represented the 4th district was in 1972.
This cycle, Musgrave is stressing her bipartisanship. She has let her constituents know that she is working with Democrats on agricultural disaster funding and a rural water measure, among other matters.
The headlines of her press releases this month are titled “Musgrave’s Joint Work with Democrats Show Signs of Success,” “Musgrave Joins with Democrats to Ensure Colorado Farmers & Ranchers Aren’t Short Changed,” and “Bipartisanship Works Only when Democrats Don’t Shut Out Republicans.”
The DCCC believes the Musgrave seat is gettable, though it will devote significant resources in the 2008 cycle to protect its vulnerable freshmen.
Usually, members win tough races to get into Congress, and it gets easier in subsequent elections. But Musgrave has gone from 55 percent to 49 percent to 46 percent.
Until that trend changes significantly, Musgrave will be on the DCCC hit list. And while Democrats are working with Musgrave on various legislative initiatives this year, they will likely work less with her next year.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
We Have Never Been To Space, NO SERIOUSLY
As I stated before in the post about being called a Heliocentrist Wiccan Moonbat, I have no qualms with Senator Brownback, with the small elephant in the room exception of immigration.
His supporters are just plain nuts though. No reason to even post this as it is not political in nature, but I know you guys need a good laugh.
Here are some new gems from Blogs4Brownback, this time talking about the fact that we have never been to space. In mocking them last time I said that in addition to condemning the earth rotating around the sun, I was also condemning science, the earth being round, and any of the moon landings. It looks as though my last 3 condemnations were not as funny as I thought, at least to Brownback supporters.
"Incidents like this make me seriously question whether or not we’ve ever even really been into “outer space.” I’ve never been there; have you?"
I've never seen the back of my own head either, I'm beginning to question if it exists.
"The third problem I’ve always had with arguments for the space race are that scientists, as a class, seem so smug and dishonest to me. "
Could not agree more. Those scientists in their ivory towers coming up with cures for diseases. PHHH.
"I think we need a dialogue- how do we know that NASA has, in fact, been into space?"
How do we even know NASA exists? I've only seen their scientists and buildings in the movie Armageddon, I know for a fact that Bruce Willis has never even been to flight school. You're on to something Brownback supporters.
"If they haven’t, how can we prove the world is round, instead of being (for the sake of argument) a flat disk with all continents perched on top"
Exactly, we can't prove it. Think about if you were to stand on the side of a beach ball, you would fall off right? Same with the earth, people should be falling off all over the place, hence it is flat. POINT BROWNBACK.
"If President Brownback wants to keep NASA as a back-door means of funding programs he doesn’t want the moonbats to find out about, I’ll understand. I won’t say peep about it, either. Otherwise, he should shut this boondoggle down and kick these hedonists out on their posteriors. Let them find real jobs, doing real work."
I am also not going to say "peep" about anything that President Brownback does not want me to. Moonbats with their science and automobiles will do anything to propel their cause. What's said in the White House stays in the White House.
Musgrave: AG Should Consider Stepping Aside
Republican Marilyn Musgrave today joined the growing group of voices questioning whether Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should stay in his job.
Musgrave, a Fort Morgan congresswoman, wrote Gonzales a letter stating "that, for the good of our country and out of loyalty to the President, you consider stepping aside to ensure that the President, Congress and the county's leaders can rededicate themselves to the important issues facing our nation."
A few Republican and several Democratic lawmakers have called for Gonzales' resignation.
Last week Sen. Ken Salazar, D-Colo., said Gonzales should leave. Salazar calls Gonzales a friend, introduced him at his Senate confirmation hearing, and briefly sat beside him with Gonzales recently testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, addressing the controversy over the firing of U.S. attorneys.
Several Senate Democrats have called for a no- confidence vote on Gonzales.
On Monday President Bush said Gonzales still had his support, and denounced the no-confidence vote as "pure political theater."
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Lawmaker: "Laws dont apply to me"
Pronunciation: 'I-r&-nE also 'I(-&)r-nE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -nies (1) : incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result (2) : an event or result marked by such incongruit.
A State Senator who lead the charge in California to outlaw the use of cells phones while driving, rear-ended another motorist while talking on a cell phone.
Friday, May 18, 2007
John Galt: The Heliocentric Wiccan Moonbat
I like the guy.
So I was intrigued when I read, via PPH, about a blog endorsing Sam calling "heliocentrism an atheist doctrine", their words not ours.
If you are not familiar with 'heliocentrism', don't worry. It is the crazy idea that the earth revolves around the sun, phhh.
I had thought that this was proven long ago, right around the time that it was proven that the earth was not flat.
I was wrong.
The blog in question Blogs4Brownback decided that of all things that would best promote the Senator a post about the earth being the center of the universe would help their candidate the best.
I could not agree more.
In the beginning I mistakenly tried to argue with the blog moderator about the need to take the post down in order to protect his candidate. The moderator proceeded to call me a "Moonbat".
No, I'm not kidding. Oh and then he proceeded to call, not just me but all Colorado conservative blogs, a bunch of "Wiccans".
In the end I found out I was a satanic lefty that believed the earth revolved around the sun.
My apologies. I have no desire to be a lefty, much less a Satanist. So if I have to condemn the idea that the earth revolves around the sun, SO BE IT.
To avoid any more confusion I am also condemning the notion the earth isn't flat, all science, and any moon landing that has "supposedly" happened.
Brownshirts in Baltimore
A city council leader, alarmed by Baltimore's rising homicide rate, wants to give the mayor the power to put troubled neighborhoods under virtual lockdown.
"Desperate measures are needed when we're in desperate situations," City Council Vice President Robert W. Curran told The (Baltimore) Sun.
He said he would introduce the legislation next week. Under Curran's plan, the mayor could declare "public safety act zones," which would allow police to close liquor stores and bars, limit the number of people on city sidewalks, and halt traffic during two-week intervals.
Police would be encouraged to aggressively stop and frisk individuals in those zones to search for weapons and drugs.
Translation: The Brownshirts will be creating a "victimization zone" where law-abiding citizens will be treated like criminals.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Mark Udall's Warchest
A million in the bank is great in any race, but it's slightly puzzling that it is not more. Udall has not had a competitive race since he ran against Carolyn Cox in 2000, he squeaked by with a 17 point win in that one. Every other race he has won by 20, 30 and even 40%.
If you are winning by 20% there is no need to be on television and if there is no need to be on television then you should be saving $250,000 a pop for a thousand points of air time. So what has Mark Udall been doing with all of that money? According to he has been raising money, we just don’t know what he does with it once he raises it, cause he sure isn't saving it. In his first race in 98 he raised and spent $1.2 million, in 2000 he raised $1.4 million and spent $1.3 million, in 2002 he got a little more comfortable with his prominence raising $1.1 million and only spending $750k, 2004 nearly the same story as 02 raising $1.1 million and spending $800k, 2006 he really turned up the heat raising $1.5 million but spending over $900k as well.
There is absolutely no need to be spending a million bucks in a race where you know you are gonna win by 20%, and remember that is the low end of his wins. You figure at most you are spending maybe $75k for a staff that operates for one year out of two. Add on to that maybe $50k in radio, $50k in mail and another $25k for miscellaneous and there’s your campaign right there.
Granted he could have gotten away with spending absolutely no money and just having his folks show up at parades and going to debates and so on and he would have still won by close to the same margins. To his credit it is good form to have some presence in an election even if you know the outcome heavily favors you. But a million bucks to win by 40% ????? Ridiculous.
After raising approximately $7.6 million, Udall could have easily banked $6 million of it.
Yes, money will play a huge role in the outcome of the 08 Senate race. Yes, Bob Schaffer is a million dollars down in fundraising. But when you realize that it is gonna take over $10 million to win this race and PAC’s are gonna be throwing the green at you left and right, then that million dollars down doesn’t seem as foreboding.
Udall could have had a huge cash on hand advantage right now, probably enough to clinch the race. Fortunately he does not and this race is gonna be the most competitive in the country.
We can only hope he spends his money in this race as wisely as he has in the past.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Musgrave steams ahead
Joining Musgrave for Congress so far:
D.A. Ken Buck, Weld County
Former Senator Mark Hillman, Kit Carson
Senator Greg Brophy, SD-1 Yuma County
Rep. Cory Gardner, HD-63 Yuma County
Senator Steve Johnson, SD-15 Larimer County
Why Brandon Shaffer's "Poll" is bad
You can read the polling memo here.
There are a number of problems with this poll.
First of all, they're not releasing the poll's cross-tabs and methodology. For all we know they polled the people in Shaffer's living room.
Secondly, as silly as it sounds, I am sure there is a misunderstanding among the average Joe and Jane Six-Pack between Brandon and Bob Shaffer/Schaffer.
Lastly, it's May of 2007. No one really cares about the next election right now, and our same Joe and Jane Six-Pack on the eastern plains don't know just how liberal Boulder Brandon's voting record really is...
Monday, May 14, 2007
Iraqi President: U.S. Troops Should Stay
Iraqi's president, worried about growing opposition in Congress to funding for the war, said Friday he believes U.S. and British troops will need to stay in Iraq for one or two more years to help stem the bloodshed.
Jalal Talabani told students at the University of Cambridge that all of Iraq was safer because of Saddam Hussein's ouster and that many people were living "normal" lives.
"I think within one or two years, we will be able to recruit our forces and prepare our armed forces and tell goodbye to our friends," he said.
Talabani's visit comes as the Baghdad government is growing concerned about rapidly deteriorating support for the war in the United States and Britain. The government has dispatched senior officials to Washington this week to warn U.S. lawmakers that pulling out troops would have disastrous consequences.
On Thursday, the House of Representatives passed a draft bill that would fund the war only through July. The bill is unlikely to survive in the Senate, but it indicates the war's unpopularity among U.S. lawmakers and their frustration with the lack of progress in the Iraqi parliament.
"We are concerned," Talabani said. "We hope that Congress will review this decision and help the American army to stay until the Iraqi army will be able to replace them and to protect the security of Iraq."
He offered assurances that Iraq's leaders were doing everything they could on the political front to pursue reconciliation among divided ethnic and religious factions.
But he gave no details on how, for example, minority Sunni Arabs would be given a greater voice in politics, a change that many hope would weaken support for the insurgency.
He also would not elaborate on another key American demand — to end delays in the passage of legislation outlining how oil revenues would be shared among Sunnis Arabs, Shiites and Kurds.
"We are planning to show some tangible achievements to the Congress that we are going forward for national reconciliation, for national unity, for fighting terrorism and achieving peace and security in our country," Talabani said.
He also expressed support for British Prime Minister Tony Blair' s likely successor, Gordon Brown, who pledged Friday to learn from the mistakes of the Iraq war.
"I don't know him personally," Talabani said of Brown. "All those Iraqis who met him, including our excellent ambassador here, they are praising him and saying that he's a very clever man, capable, smart."
Function: noun
a : that quality which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous
From Nihilist in Golf Pants Blog:
Top 11 Differences Between Paris Hilton and Al Capone
11. Some people kinda felt sorry for Al Capone when he went to prison
10. Al Capone lived in an era with limited treatment options for syphilis
9. No one was literally killed in Paris Hilton’s St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
8. Al Capone relied less on his family for his success
7. Instead of firing his publicist upon being sentenced to prison, Al Capone would have had him iced
6. If Al Capone had received a sweet plea bargain, he wouldn’t have been stupid enough to botch it by failing to honor the terms
5. Al Capone has been played in movies by Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Wallace Beery, and Rod Steiger – Paris Hilton has been played in movies by Paris Hilton
4. Al Capone didn’t carry a tiny dog in his purse
3. Al Capone never definitively proved that he had no musical talent
2. Al Capone gave offers you couldn’t refuse, Paris Hilton never refused offers
1. Al Capone never called himself the “iconic blonde of the decade”
Schaffer (Bob not Brandon) off to rough start
COLORADO: Pretty Thin Coverage For A SEN Announcement '04 candidate/CO Bd. of Ed. member/ex-Rep. Bob Schaffer (R) officially announced his candidacy at the 5/12 Boulder Co. GOP Lincoln Day dinner. Schaffer: "After considerable assessment, I've decided I'm going to begin putting a campaign together to run for the United States Senate" (AP/Rocky Mountain News, 5/14).
Schaffer said he spoke with other potential GOPers who "deferred their ambition to me," adding: "We, as Republicans, really don't have the liberty to fight out a primary ... if we're going to win in 2008, than we need to blast through (the primary season). ... Republicans have lost elections because our leaders have not been bold enough in proposing innovative solutions in Washington and have drifted from our long-held claim to the mantle of fiscal responsibility" (Kosena, Ft. Collins Coloradoan, 5/13).
Schaffer traveled to the Boulder Co. "heart" of Rep. Mark Udall's (D-02) CD "to confirm his candidacy." Asked afterward why he hadn't named Udall in his speech, Schaffer said his "first objective is to reform the Republican Party" and rebuild and broaden its appeal to CO voters. "He said during his speech that he will roll out his campaign sometime next year and, in the meantime, will be organizing the campaign and raising money" (Fryar, Longmont Daily Times-Call, 5/13).
The DSCC issued a release headed: "GOP Picks The Last Kid On The Playground" (5/12).
On top of the announcement that he's hiring perpetually losing GOP consulting Shari Williams, this certainly isn't good news for Schaffer's Senate run.
Brandon Shaffer is in for CO-4
Shaffer will face off against Angry Angie Paccione and Eric "Which Party Do I Belong To" Eidsness in the Dem primary.
They all want to run against conservative hero Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave, R - Fort Morgan.
From CC:
Shaffer visited Washington D.C. last week with his wife, Jessicca, and after returning to Colorado yesterday he made up his mind to run against Republican incumbent Marilyn Musgrave in 2008. Last week Democrat Angie Paccione filed paperwork to run again in 2008 (Paccione narrowly lost to Musgrave last fall), and Shaffer says that he plans to talk with her soon about trying to avoid a primary."Angie is a friend of mine," says Shaffer. "I would hope that she would put her personal ambitions aside to give us the best chance possible to see change in the fourth congressional district and to win that seat."
10 month old receives firearms permit
From Fox News:
In Illinois, you're never too young to own a gun.
That's what one father found out, when he registered his 10-month-old son for a Firearm Owner's Identification Card. Daily Southtown columnist Howard Ludwig registered his son —- Howard David Ludwig, nicknamed "Bubba" — online after the child's grandfather bought him a gun shortly after the baby's birth. Ludwig chronicled the road to gun ownership in a story that appeared in the Southtown on Sunday.
"Anyone who wants to own a firearm or purchase a firearm needs a FOID card," Ludwig told FOX News. "I applied for one of these for my son. Now ironically he can’t buy a gun until he’s 18 years old, but if he wants to own one -- which he does thanks to Grandpa -- he needs one of these cards anyhow."
The ID card, complete with a photo of the tot, allows the child to own a firearm and ammunition, and legally transport an unloaded weapon, even though Bubba has yet to learn how to walk.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Dirty Deceit: Meet Brandon Shaffer
PPH Exclusive: Dem strategy for CD 4
This information came from a Political Pale Horse source.Democrats figure if you can’t win the hearts and minds of voters, confusing them into voting for you is the next best thing. Meet Democratic State Senator Brandon Shaffer from Longmont. This is the person the Democrats want to face off against Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave. The Four Millionaires Club of Colorado (Bridges, Stryker, Polis, and Gill) is recruiting the state senator to run in an election where former Congressman Bob Schaffer will be seeking the U.S. Senate seat. Their idea is to confuse voters in the 4th into voting for Shaffer when they think they are voting for Schaffer.Colorado Democrats have spent millions of dollars trying to win the 4th and decided that deceit is the only way they might be able to capture it. The money they spent on Stan “The Taxin’ Man” Matsunaka and Angie “I’m So Angry” Paccione has them in an uproar. They want results. So this is how they plan to do it.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
CCP Endorses John Cox for GOP Nominee
Apologies & Excuses
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Ritter signs Budget, vetos footnotes
It is important to note that the footnotes contained language reminding legislators and the Guv that Article V. Section 50 of the State Constitution, prohibits state funds from "directly or indirectly" paying for abortions.
Ritter on the budget:
"A budget is a moral document. It's a statement that reflects our values when it comes to investing taxpayer dollars."
With his veto of the footnotes of the budget, does Ritter believe that taxpayer funded abortions are "moral" and "reflect our values"?
Do I need to remind the Guv that the people of Colorado have voted TWICE to prohibit states funds, directly or indirectly, from paying for abortions?
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Harvey for Congress???
Tom Tancredo isn’t raising a ton of cash (comparatively, at least) in his bid for the Presidency, but that hasn’t stopped many Republicans in his congressional district from dreaming of moving up. Tancredo has said he won’t rule out running for re-election in 2008, but from what I’ve heard, a good number of Republicans aren’t anticipating that he will stay for another term.State Sen. Ted Harvey would be among a handful of elephants at the top of the list to run in CD-6 should Tancredo not return, but he isn’t looking ahead just yet.
"It’s fair to say I would take a good look at it if Tom would take a move, but I’m not sure where he is in his decision making process right now," says Harvey. "So far he’s been putting out the message that he hasn’t made a decision."
Harvey says that he is in "an awkward position" in looking ahead to 2008 because he considers Tancredo to be a close friend (they worked together at the Independence Institute before Tancredo was elected to congress in 1988). Harvey says that he would absolutely not run against Tancredo – who he supported in 1998 - in a primary, but if he doesn’t return for another run, it sounds like Harvey wouldn’t take long to enter the race.
"I’ve got young kids, so my family has to be totally behind it," he says. "But I’m pretty confident that we would do it."
Contrary to some rumors, Harvey says that he hasn’t begun to put together a campaign team - "I haven’t hired anybody. Like I said, I’m not that far along until Tom makes a decision" - but he has already thought about why he would be a strong candidate.
"I’ve been an elected official in the heart of the congressional district for six years," says Harvey. "Douglas County has a big portion of the district, and I represent two-thirds of Douglas County."
If CD-6 does open up next year, all signs point to a difficult primary battle for a seat in which voter registration numbers favor Republicans by a 2-to-1 margin. State Sen. Tom Wiens, whom Harvey says has been the most active in looking at the race, will almost certainly run, as might a host of others including Wil Armstrong, Rep. David Balmer, former state Sen. John Andrews, former Lt. Governor Jane Norton and Aurora Mayor Ed Tauer.
"There’s a book called the White Pages, and I think there’s a lot of people in that book who would take a look at it," jokes Harvey. "Every elected official in the district would take a look at it.
"Opportunities like this come along once every decade or two."
Or maybe they don’t. Right now, only Tom Tancredo knows for sure.
Might I say, "Well done Senator Harvey!"
This piece is fairly well written, and pretty fair; especially coming from this liberal shill group.