Judge for yourself. The following are votes that media darling Barack Obama made in the Illinois state legislature. It is taken from an article by Amanda Carpenter in
Human Events.ABORTIONNO SB 230 (1997)
To prohibit partial-birth abortion unless necessary to save
the life of a mother and makes performance of the procedure
a Class 4 felony for the physician.
NO HB 709 (2000)
To prohibit state funding of abortion and induced miscarriages
except when necessary to save the life of the mother.
Excludes premature births from funding except to produce
a viable child when necessary to save the life of a
mother. Would permit funding in cases of rape or incest
when payment is authorized under federal law.
NO SB 1661 (2002)
A part of the Born Alive Infant Protection Package. Would
create a cause of action if a child is born alive after an abortion
and the child is then neglected through failure to provide
medial care after birth.
CRIMENO SB 381 (1997)
To require prisoners to pay court costs for frivolous lawsuits
against the state.
NO SB 485 (1999)
To give no offer of “good time” for sex offenders sentenced
to the County Jail.
*Obama was the only vote against this measure
UNIONSYES HB 3396 (2003)
To make unionization easier by not requiring a secret ballot
to organize if 50% of the eligible workers publicly sign a
card of support for unionization.
YES SB 230 (2003)
Entitles a teacher who is elected as an officer of the state or
national teacher’s union to be granted a leave of absence for
up to six years, or the period of time the teacher is serving.
YES SB 1070 (2003)
Allows college graduate assistants who teach college
courses be eligible to join a union.
To restrict the location of buildings with “adult” uses
(meaning pornographic video stores, strip clubs, etc.) within
1,000 feet of any public or private elementary or secondary school, public park, place or worship, preschool, daycare
facility, mobile park or residential area.
NO HB 1812 (1999)
To require school boards to install software on public computers
accessible to minors to block sexually explicit material.
NO SB 1075 (1999)
To create an income tax credit for all full-time K-12 pupils in
an amount equal to 25% of qualified education expenses up
to a maximum of $500 per family.
YES SB 1725 (2003)
To restore the Illinois Estate Tax.
YES SB 1733 (2003)
To impose a Gas Use Tax on the purchase of natural gas
from outside the state of Illinois for use or consumption in
Illinois. Forces the delivering supplier to pay 2.4 cents per
therm of gas, or the customer can elect to become a “selfassessing”
purchaser and pay 5% of the purchase price or
2.4 cents per therm.
To create public funding for supreme court races.
YES SB 880 (2003)
To allow the purchase of 10 hypodermic needles from a
pharmacy without a prescription.
PRESENT HB 2000 (4659)
To establish a zero-tolerance drug-testing policy for
Department of Corrections Employees
BUSINESSNO SB 777 (1999)
To end the unemployment insurance fund building tax.
NO SB 879 (1999)
To end the minimum contribution tax rate for the unemployment
NO SB 795 (2001)
To reduce employers’ minimum contribution insurance rate.
YES SB 796 (2003)
To increase the Illinois minimum wage from $5.15 per hour
to $6.50 per hour.